On this Memorial Day weekend, my family gathered around the bedside of my brother. We had much to celebrate! Most of his family travelled to see him. We knew he was dying, and we all longed to see him again. It was the first time we had all been able to be together in a while, and we had some exciting family additions to
share: My sister Beth had a precious boy (Braylon), and my niece Angel and her husband Travis adopted two adorable twin girls (Kenna and Alayna). God allowed Chip to see and hold his
two grandbabies!
Chip had been placed on hospice care last Thanksgiving. With heavy hearts we watched his strength slowly deteriorate. But God answered the many years of prayer of his sweet wife Brenda, one morning when Chip prayed and asked God to save him after having a nightmare about how he would spend eternity. I rejoiced, but so longed to see the fruit of his new life in Christ, and God granted that prayer as
well. For over two months, Chip’s changed life radiated forth and encouraged us all. His family read his Bible with him, and his whole conversation changed! The night before he die
d he looked at Brenda and said,”We need to be doing something spiritual.” So Brenda read him verses and sang hymns to him through the night, then he went to be with the Lord early on the morning of May 30th.
Chip’s memory will be forever planted in my heart. He was my older brother that spoiled me, and I adored him! As an older child he asked for a wagon one Christmas
. Mom told him he was too old for a wagon, then she learned his motive. He wanted the wagon to pull me around as a baby. Since I was colicky, Mom said most days she would bundle me up in that little red wagon and Chip would pull me around for hours! He was a loving brother, and I will miss him immeasurably… But I must thank God for Chip’s salvation and for allowing us to have this special family time together before his homecoming!