Friday, November 2, 2012

#Discussion Question 1

If KellyJo were pregnant again and they needed ideas for names what would you choose or come up with comment below your pick for a GIRL and a BOY


Voting 2012

We recently attended a fund raiser for State Rep Jeremy Faison, District 11 ( The children had such a fun time playing with the other children, racing on haybells, and grilling out. we have been priviledged to meet so many wonderful people through Zach's connections in politics. We appreciate Faison's stand for conservative values, and we feel especially blessed to know other politicians who want to make a difference in our country!
We ae praying that the polls will be full of people who care about this nation and who want to see "God" added back to the plea, "God Bless America!" Christian Coalition of America has voter guides available for 2012 to help inform the public about the various candidates' stands and about their past voting records ( Let's fulfill our responsibility as Americans and VOTE!